Our Foundation

Our strength comes from our supporters and volunteers. Without them we wouldn’t be doing what we do. We have been blessed with some who have been behind our cause since the beginning. We have one time supporters, occasional supporters and our monthly supporters. We are approved as a 5013c charity under Lake Chapala Charities, where donors receive an acknowledgment of their donations along with a personal note from Pet Food Bank. A few supporters have helped us with a matching funds drive or support of our education program. We have also been blessed with others who have donated their personal space to house our inventory and space to repackage the food.

Our volunteers are generous of their time and dedicated to our mission. When we started during Covid, they would drive over, pick up the 55# bags of kibble, take supplies home and repackage the pet food, and then bring it back and pick up another load. Now we get together twice a month and in a couple hours we have redone over 2,300# of dog and cat food. With 16 volunteers there are usually 8 that can come on a given day. FoodBank Lakeside volunteers [shown here] also pitch in with heavy lifting, as well as locals, Angel and his son Angel 2.

Looking To The Future

Pet Food Bank Lakeside will continue our mission of helping needy families’ pets with good dog and/or cat food. We also hope to expand our education program into more areas to care, protect, and maintain their pet’s health and safety

All of this progress and hard work is only possible because of you, our generous donor community. You are the life blood of Pet Food Bank Lakeside and we send you our gratitude and love. 🐾❤️